Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lent Confession

I’ve decided that updating my blog every single day with inane comments on my lent journey is rather pointless, so from now on you’ll going to get occasional updates, like this one.

I’ll start with a confession; I’m one day behind on my Lent reading, but I’m not going to sweat it, it was after a very full on weekend, followed by a full on Monday. I’ll be able to catch up before the weekend.

The most disturbing thing about my Lent commitments is that I’ve found myself daydreaming about gorging myself on chocolate and then diving into a pool of cold diet coke. It’s either a sign that I was far too addicted to the two evil C’s or that I have an over active imagination that just isn’t getting enough sugar to function properly.

Time will tell I guess.

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